sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2013

Other cities on England

Newcastle-upon-Tyne is on the north-east coast of England.

The Quayside- the part of the city near the river. - has many cafés, bars, and restaurants. There are seven bridges across the River Tyne in the city, and the newest is the Gateshead Millennium Bridge. When big boats go up the river, the bridge can open and close, like an eye.

miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2013

Who are the English?

                                                        THE NAME OF ENGLAND

-The name `England´ comes from the 'Angle-land´. The Angle people came here from Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries, and they called it Angle-land.

-Before them, the Romans lived here about four hundred years. Today its name is London. .

In 1066, England had a new king. He was William of Normandy, the famous William the Conqueror. When he came to England, many French people came with him.


                                                           BEAUTIFUL ENGLAND

-London has more than eleven million visitors every year. It has many monuments, parks, museums, restaurants etc. It is a beautiful city. In this city you can visit many places. You can hear them at Symphony Hall in Broad Street. Or you can listen to rock music from some oft the UK´s best bands at the Birmingham Academy in Dale End.

-For shopping, go to the Bullring. there are more than 160 shops in the big shopping mall. London have two famous football clubs.

-London is full of museums and art galleries, theatres, and clubs. You can see and do lots of things here.

-Birmingham is England´s biggest city after London.

-It is the home of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchesta. You can hear them at Symphony Hall in Broad Street. Or you can listen to rock music from some of the UK´s best bands at the Birmingham Academy in Dale End.

England [Jhon Escott]

In this book we can see a lot of interesting and beautiful places and monuments of England, many places are unknown for  the people, but its can expose the real history of the England. Also this book show us new foods from different places of this nation. England isn´t only food and beautiful places, it had an important culture and a lot traditions.

The autor of this book is John Escott, an english writer.